Pivovar Chodovar
The first stop on a three town visit to the Czech Republic, I had high hopes fo r this place, even though it does bill itself as “ Chodovar Beer Wellness Land ” . It seemed like an absolute winner of an idea: unused buildings on a brewery with several hundred years of history being converted into a hotel, spa and restaurant complex, with part of the lagering caves being one of the restaurants. But the reality is rather different; while it does have a couple of nice bits, it’s certainly very low on the list of places I can’t wait to go back to. In through the portal and up the corridor At first the Ve Skále restaurant seemed to be ticking all of the right boxes. The entrance looks wonderful, a wall and a door into the hillside, and once inside you’re faced with a long upward sloping corridor with roof and walls hewn from the rock. The restaurant apparently seats 260 people but large sections of it had been block-booked by tour parties, so there was only a single tab...